Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Jane Eyre re-covered; Microflash at Lily's; Review: GRRM's A Dance With Dragons
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Jenny Rossi is Deadly, and Here's the Proof

Jenny Rossi: Riches For One, Poverty for Two
Dickenson never left
her room much. Old hag.
Perhaps I am an acolyte, loving
too often the shadows of men,
never the men themselves.
---excerpt, Jenny Rossi, Riches For One, Poverty for Two
I once knew her age, this Rossi girl. I’ve forgotten, and file her under “young.” (which says vast oceans about my own physical state and mental) For once, I’m not jealous of brilliance in a young’un, and against my will, I’m smiling, smirking, shaking my head. This is one to watch.
You can have this book for free. Just download the PDF. Or you can buy a handmade collection of Rossi's prose. My suggestion? Buy it. Someday, you might run into her, and you'll want her to sign it, and you might just have it in your backpack (or D&G handbag, because by then you will SURELY have "made it"). Buy her a cup of coffee when you do. And then encourage her to go back home and write. By "encourage," I mean threaten in a soft tone of voice.
Because her writing is kind of bad-ass. Kind of tittering-she-doesn't-mean-that-does-she. Take "Lessons from the Middle Class," which may or may not have struck too close to home. Thank you, Miss Rossi, for there is the small bruise which writing should leave; I hope you are also bruised—but wait, every word is some small bruise on you, too. I’m happy about this.
Are there place-holders here, pages on which to pause, to take a breath before the next oh-so-gentle onslaught? Yes. As it should be. I can’t read continuously on the edge of a broken heart, even if it’s breaking for someone else, and not for myself. Here, she says, have a bit of pretty words, and now – swallow the broken glass.
Some pieces, like "Kerouac is Kool," reach warbling, cold depths, layers on layers that astonish. Very bad for the uncertain, tremulous heart. Unrecommended. You better be wise, and wary, if you're reading this. Rossi’s a culture wolf in sheep’s clothing. This kind of writing sways around the corner to dangerous.
I loves it, precious. Keep your eye on Jenny Rossi. (and here's her blog; "encourage" her to blog more)
Go get it. And while you're there, check out other authors in the Deadly Chaps line-up--hey, maybe even last year's. ;)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Swedish Music; "Androids" re-covered; Strange Horizons poetry that rocked my world
Coucou Anne by Musettes
Saturday, August 6, 2011
The Instrument of Fate now up at The Lorelei Signal
incarnation of Death in line. A task made more difficult by his 'I don't care about
this job' attitude -- and even more difficult when she must defend him from
termination. But there is something more powerful at work: could the mortal she
chose to replace the last incarnation be the ORIGINAL incarnation returned as
God promised he would after the rebellion in Heaven?
Friday, August 5, 2011
Blog Awards

Don Kenn Gallery -- Artist John Kenn (I know, I can't figure it out, either) draws miniature works of bizarre, scary, jaw-dropping art on... drumroll please... post-it notes. Remember that when you see them. This is like Where the Wild Things Are meets The Office (I picture him as some sort of male Pam, doodling on office supplies behind the receptionist's desk; and yes, I know she's not a receptionist any longer; you are talking to one of the BIGGEST Office fans, liek, evah).
Xeroverse -- John Xero, sci-fi writer, man with astounding imaginative capacities, guy on the edge (his writing, that is). He can take hardcore sci-fi or fantasy and make it captivating and awesome, without leaving the reader cold. Brilllllllllliant. And he's got a second blog, where he writes 100-word fics each Wednesday. Currently on hiatus, but worth checking out here.
Dreams in Black and White -- Mark Reep is an amazing talent, with art inspired by his natural surroundings, art that takes on surreal, fantastical auras when put on paper. In addition, Mark now edits the Ramshackle Review. I cannot speak highly enough of the RR, with its eclectic and always high-quality offerings of flash fic, poetry and art.
So there you go! Five new blogs to follow, to hopefully inspire and bring as much joy to your day as they do to mine. You're supposed to let the people know you nominated them, and then they post five, but I want to take the pressure off everybody on this start to our weekend. Also, I'm in a defiant, no rules kind of mood. I'm sick of being an adult. It's a new thing with me. We'll see how this goes. I predict... disastrously.