Monday, September 20, 2010

"Loom" Up at Ramshackle Review; Writer's Hotel Series, Cont'd

The first issue of the Ramshackle Review is now up, and it's not only full of stellar writing, but gorgeous as well.

I am so honored to have my piece "Loom" included, and I want to thank Mark. He helped turn my little tale into something truly magical, and I'm indebted.

I tried finding some art to post here using the keyword "beaver," but you cannot imagine what the search results gave me. Or maybe you can imagine. So... no art today.


But I do have another writer's hotel! For those times when you've got to get away, far away, retreating as much as you can from the blight that civilization imposes on our creativity. And when you're not really a writer but a Famous Writer With Scads Of Money To Blow.

Hacienda Uayamon

Rustic Mexican, but with a/c and room service. Private, quiet, and look at the desk! Enough room for quill, ink, parchment and an 8x10 of a dead author to keep me company and remind me why I do this.


I love Mexico. I've been a few times, but never anywhere as nice as this. Maybe someday...


  1. Congrats on your story. It is a well-written piece.

  2. Just read 'Loom'. Absolutely loved it. Feeling quite moved.

  3. Congrats on Loom!! I can't wait for October to read the next published piece!
